Friday, December 17, 2010
What's Happening: 12.17.10
No announcements today. Have a great vacation.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
What's Happening: 12.16.10
You did it! ALL 58 pages were uploaded successfully yesterday. Keep working on your new spreads.
Work day over vacation has been cancelled. Your editors luv you!
Don't forget to sign up for the potluck tomorrow. Please write what you're bringing next to your name so we don't have duplicate dishes.
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Work day over vacation has been cancelled. Your editors luv you!
Don't forget to sign up for the potluck tomorrow. Please write what you're bringing next to your name so we don't have duplicate dishes.
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What's Happening: 12.15.10
1 Days, 58 Pages: Who Will Survive? Apparently all of you will survive since ALL 58 pages are done! Party on Friday!!!!
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What's Happening: 12.14.10
2 Days, 58 Pages: Who Will Survive?
Sorry for scaring all of you about the web assignment. That's for newspaper.
Today, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Sorry for scaring all of you about the web assignment. That's for newspaper.
Today, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Monday, December 13, 2010
What's Happening: 12.13.10
3 Days, 58 Pages: Who Will Survive?
Your Web Assignment is due TOMORROW (12.14). Seriously. The first time you do a multimedia assignment it will take you longer. If you don't see your name on the list, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Your Web Assignment is due TOMORROW (12.14). Seriously. The first time you do a multimedia assignment it will take you longer. If you don't see your name on the list, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
CIIJ’s annual BoldFaced Journalism program is set for Saturday, Feb. 26, 2010 from 9:30 – 4:00 at San Francisco State University’s College of Humanities.
We will offer you and your students a full day of workshops and lectures taught by Bay Area professional journalists, journalism instructors, university students and others involved in the world of journalism today.
Planned Workshops:
• Stereotypes
• Preparing to be a college journalist
• Opinion Writing
• Moving your publication online
• Writing for the web
• Reporting on LGBTQ
• Motivating writers
• Legal issues
• Ipads and cellphones
• Reporting on teen violence, suicide, eating disorders and other health issues
• Getting your foot in the door of the independent journalism movement
• Finding story ideas through the social web
• Sports writing
• Become your own boss – start a magazine, website, or other news publication
• The Stylebook
• Investigative reporting
• Publication design
• Newspaper critiques
Friday, December 10, 2010
What's Happening: 12.10.10
4 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Ceil will be here Monday so be prepared to show off your work. She will be showing Cathie, Joyce and Wojo how to upload pages using the new system.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. The room will be OPEN TODAY for 4th lunch. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Ceil will be here Monday so be prepared to show off your work. She will be showing Cathie, Joyce and Wojo how to upload pages using the new system.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. The room will be OPEN TODAY for 4th lunch. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
What's Happening: 12.9.10
5 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. TODAY during 4th lunch, there will be a presentation from the Academy of Art. If you are not working on a spread or participating in the presentation, you will need to go elsewhere for lunch.The room will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. TODAY during 4th lunch, there will be a presentation from the Academy of Art. If you are not working on a spread or participating in the presentation, you will need to go elsewhere for lunch.The room will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What's Happening: 12.8.10
6 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. TODAY during 4th lunch, there will be a presentation from the Academy of Art. If you are not working on a spread or participating in the presentation, you will need to go elsewhere for lunch.The room will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. TODAY during 4th lunch, there will be a presentation from the Academy of Art. If you are not working on a spread or participating in the presentation, you will need to go elsewhere for lunch.The room will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
What's Happening: 12.7.10
7 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. The room will be CLOSED on Tuesday, December 7 during both lunches, but will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. The room will be CLOSED on Tuesday, December 7 during both lunches, but will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Monday, December 6, 2010
What's Happening: 12.6.10
8 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. The room will be CLOSED on Tuesday, December 7 during both lunches, but will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. The room will be CLOSED on Tuesday, December 7 during both lunches, but will be OPEN for 4th lunch on Friday. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Friday, December 3, 2010
What's Happening: 12.3.10
9 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Wednesday, December 8= Professional Development Opportunity. The Academy of Art College will be here to discuss the programs they have related to design, marketing and media. The program will be held during 4th lunch. If you have 5th lunch, but want to attend, please see Wojo.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
What's Happening: 12.2.10
10 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Tuesday, December 14=Professional Development Opportunity. The meeting will be here at HHS in H105 at 4 pm. The topic is "Covering Controversial Issues." The talk will be about one hour. Pizza will be served after. Mark your calendars now.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What's Happening: 12.1.10
11 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
Continue working on those pages. ALL staffers are expected to be working at lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. That would be in the classroom working at a computer on your spread. If you are finished contact Joyce and/or Cathie for a new assignment.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What's Happening: 11.30.10
12 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Should teachers be able to take your cell phone and scroll through your text messages? What if they think you are bullying someone? The Virginia Attorney General says that teachers have the right to take cell phones and do just that. Read the article and post your thoughts below (as a comment on THIS post). This assignment is due by 9 pm tonight.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
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photo by KimNowacki, used under Creative Commons license. |
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What's Happening: 11.29.10
13 Days, 58 pages: who will survive?
Hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving weekend. Though we had three very cold mornings, the weather was pretty good.
We will be having a staff meeting 20 minutes into the period. At that time, you are to come to the meeting area with a list of what you are responsible for on this deadline. You must be specific. It will not be enough to say "I'm doing the Underwater Basket-weaving spread." You will need to list EXACTLY what still needs to be done. If you're missing photos, you will also need captions. You need a credit line for the story. You need headlines and sub-heads. Please list every thing that YOU need to do on a piece of paper. You will turn that paper in.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
There are two major international news stories brewing. Both of them had major developments yesterday. What are the two counties at the center of these stories? Get a Post-it note, put your name on the Post-it along with the names of the two countries and put it on the door behind Wojo's desk. This is an assignment.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving weekend. Though we had three very cold mornings, the weather was pretty good.
We will be having a staff meeting 20 minutes into the period. At that time, you are to come to the meeting area with a list of what you are responsible for on this deadline. You must be specific. It will not be enough to say "I'm doing the Underwater Basket-weaving spread." You will need to list EXACTLY what still needs to be done. If you're missing photos, you will also need captions. You need a credit line for the story. You need headlines and sub-heads. Please list every thing that YOU need to do on a piece of paper. You will turn that paper in.
Since we're close to a major deadline, you are expected to be in the room at lunch whenever it is open. Roll will be taken. It will be open today.
There are two major international news stories brewing. Both of them had major developments yesterday. What are the two counties at the center of these stories? Get a Post-it note, put your name on the Post-it along with the names of the two countries and put it on the door behind Wojo's desk. This is an assignment.
Worknight is December 10 immediately after school until the cows come home. Well, actually, it will be after that time since cows come home at dark. So, really, it's until 9 or so.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What's Happening: 11.24.10
Get some work done on your pages, then get thee to the game table. Have a great holiday weekend.
Don't forget WORKNIGHT is December 10th beginning at 3:30.
Don't forget WORKNIGHT is December 10th beginning at 3:30.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What's Happening: 11.23.10
16 Days, 58 pages. Who Will Survive?
Today: Work on your spreads, please plan on being in class at lunch working as well.
Wednesday: Get your game face on!
No School Thursday and Friday.
Today: Work on your spreads, please plan on being in class at lunch working as well.
Wednesday: Get your game face on!
No School Thursday and Friday.
Monday, November 22, 2010
What's Happening: 11.22.10
17 Days, 58 pages. Who Will Survive?
Today: Work on stories, work on WASC Focus group. There were no volunteers for the WASC group, so I will be randomly selecting people.
Tuesday: Work on spreads.
Wednesday: Get your game face on!
Today: Work on stories, work on WASC Focus group. There were no volunteers for the WASC group, so I will be randomly selecting people.
Tuesday: Work on spreads.
Wednesday: Get your game face on!
Friday, November 19, 2010
What's Happening: 11.19.10
18 Days, 58 pages. Who Will Survive?
Welcome Mr. Alvarez to class! Wojo is at a TAH Project meeting today.
Friday: Be sure to check your email for a message from Cathie and Joyce. Reply back to them with updates on your spreads. Work on your spreads. Get those finished. If you need to get photos, get them. If you need to get your article finished, do that. Spreads should be DONE by now.
Next week is a three-day week!
Monday: Work on stories, work on WASC Focus group (volunteers to serve on this group will receive credit for professional development for the quarter. You will spend 2-4 class periods on this task. If you volunteer, you get professional development credit. If you don't and are picked anyway, it will just count as a regular assignment. Up to 8 staff members each period may volunteer.).
Welcome Mr. Alvarez to class! Wojo is at a TAH Project meeting today.
Friday: Be sure to check your email for a message from Cathie and Joyce. Reply back to them with updates on your spreads. Work on your spreads. Get those finished. If you need to get photos, get them. If you need to get your article finished, do that. Spreads should be DONE by now.
Next week is a three-day week!
Monday: Work on stories, work on WASC Focus group (volunteers to serve on this group will receive credit for professional development for the quarter. You will spend 2-4 class periods on this task. If you volunteer, you get professional development credit. If you don't and are picked anyway, it will just count as a regular assignment. Up to 8 staff members each period may volunteer.).
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What's Happening: 11.18.10
Today is the last day to vote for Rachel's film! Don't miss out on the chance to show your support. Vote Team SF at Vote often.
In class writing assignment: This is the one from yesterday that was postponed until today. Get the notes and instruction sheet. Follow the instructions.
Assignment: Due today by 9 pm. This is actually a really important story, so read it carefully. Thomas Friedman write an opinion piece for the NY Times called "Too Good to Check." In his piece he discussed the President Obama's trip to India and how much it cost. He also describes Anderson Cooper's examination of the alleged cost. Many of us heard this story and even talked about it in class (along with the coconuts being harvested so they wouldn't fall on Obama's head). Read this story carefully, then post the lesson learned from it as a comment on THIS POST. Here's the catch though, your comment cannot be more than 140 characters (it's a Tweet). Think carefully about what lesson student journalists need to take from this entire incident.
Friday: Work on your spreads. Get those finished. If you need to get photos, get them. If you need to get your article finished, do that. Spreads should be DONE by now.
Next week is a three-day week!
Monday: Work on stories, work on WASC Focus group (volunteers to serve on this group will receive credit for professional development for the quarter. You will spend 2-4 class periods on this task. If you volunteer, you get professional development credit. If you don't and are picked anyway, it will just count as a regular assignment. Up to 8 staff members each period may volunteer.).
In class writing assignment: This is the one from yesterday that was postponed until today. Get the notes and instruction sheet. Follow the instructions.
Assignment: Due today by 9 pm. This is actually a really important story, so read it carefully. Thomas Friedman write an opinion piece for the NY Times called "Too Good to Check." In his piece he discussed the President Obama's trip to India and how much it cost. He also describes Anderson Cooper's examination of the alleged cost. Many of us heard this story and even talked about it in class (along with the coconuts being harvested so they wouldn't fall on Obama's head). Read this story carefully, then post the lesson learned from it as a comment on THIS POST. Here's the catch though, your comment cannot be more than 140 characters (it's a Tweet). Think carefully about what lesson student journalists need to take from this entire incident.
Friday: Work on your spreads. Get those finished. If you need to get photos, get them. If you need to get your article finished, do that. Spreads should be DONE by now.
Next week is a three-day week!
Monday: Work on stories, work on WASC Focus group (volunteers to serve on this group will receive credit for professional development for the quarter. You will spend 2-4 class periods on this task. If you volunteer, you get professional development credit. If you don't and are picked anyway, it will just count as a regular assignment. Up to 8 staff members each period may volunteer.).
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What's Happening: 11.17.10
Your in-class writing assignment is being postponed until Thursday. Ceil is here today and will be working with you on staff personality types! She has a fun activity in store.
Rumor has it that there is a hallway check today for tardies AND lanyards, so get to class on time unless you want an automatic 2 hour detention. THAT MEANS YOU TERILYN CHEN, WENDY CHEN, ERINN KUEHNE, EDISON LEI AND KIMMY NY.
Please notice on the wall over by Brother 1 there is a wipe-off ladder. Check here to see which pages are completed. When the pages are finished the editors will add DONE and who completed the spread. DO NOT mark on the ladder unless you have been told to by the editors. Get pens from Wojo.
Rumor has it that there is a hallway check today for tardies AND lanyards, so get to class on time unless you want an automatic 2 hour detention. THAT MEANS YOU TERILYN CHEN, WENDY CHEN, ERINN KUEHNE, EDISON LEI AND KIMMY NY.
Please notice on the wall over by Brother 1 there is a wipe-off ladder. Check here to see which pages are completed. When the pages are finished the editors will add DONE and who completed the spread. DO NOT mark on the ladder unless you have been told to by the editors. Get pens from Wojo.
Thursday: You will have an in class writing assignment for a grade. You will be given all of the notes you need to write the story. Review the inverted pyramid. You will write the story in GoogleDocs and will print it out (double-spaced) before you leave class.
There's only 3 days left. You guys cant vote tomorrow because of the in-class writing assignment. We're still down by a lot.
Translation: Start voting. Now.
You guys vote like crazy during class, but that isn't enough. Do you know that it pretty much goes back down if you dont vote at home?
Voting ends on Thursday, but at 1pm. Lets turn the tables and win this thing!
Please. Really. Please. I've personally spent almost every day staying up until 2 in the morning voting. I'm asking for help with this one thing. Please, please, please help me.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What's Happening: 9.16.10
Please notice on the wall over by Brother 1 there is a wipe-off ladder. Check here to see which pages are completed. When the pages are finished the editors will add DONE and who completed the spread. DO NOT mark on the ladder unless you have been told to by the editors. Get pens from Wojo.
It's back to working on your spreads! Ceil will be here next week so make sure you have something to show her! Class section assignments will be coming out soon!
It's back to working on your spreads! Ceil will be here next week so make sure you have something to show her! Class section assignments will be coming out soon!
Wednesday: You will have an in class writing assignment for a grade. You will be given all of the notes you need to write the story. Review the inverted pyramid. You will write the story in GoogleDocs and will print it out (double-spaced) before you leave class.
There's only 3 days left. You guys cant vote tomorrow because of the in-class writing assignment. We're still down by a lot.
Translation: Start voting. Now.
You guys vote like crazy during class, but that isn't enough. Do you know that it pretty much goes back down if you dont vote at home?
Voting ends on Thursday, but at 1pm. Lets turn the tables and win this thing!
Please. Really. Please. I've personally spent almost every day staying up until 2 in the morning voting. I'm asking for help with this one thing. Please, please, please help me.
Monday, November 15, 2010
What's Happening: 11.15.10
It's back to working on your spreads! Ceil will be here next week so make sure you have something to show her! Class section assignments will be coming out soon!
Wednesday: You will have an in class writing assignment for a grade. You will be given all of the notes you need to write the story. Review the inverted pyramid. You will write the story in GoogleDocs and will print it out (double-spaced) before you leave class.
The Bay has the World Champions in baseball.
Why not the World Champions in film too, Rachel asks?
Ist off, I want to thank 1st period, and all other journ and yearbookies, for their awesome support Wednesday. ;)
Makes me really happy . Seriously. Really.
Special thanks to Myron for his vote calculations and stuff on the white board. :D
You guys are voting and supporting me more than my friends are. That means A LOT to me.
I'm really proud and happy of how a lot of you guys (half of which probably dont know who I am) are supporting so much and voting. Of course, there's a "but" to this heartfelt message. D:
Despite our best efforts, we're still losing. By a lot. What does this mean? We cant win alone. Just us journ and yearbook staff members. We need to get the word out more, get more people to vote that are outside of our J-Team. The other high school kids, the middle schoolers... We need to spread the word!
And come on. We're journalism junkies! How hard can that be? We're supposed to LIVE for spreading the news.
There's only 4 more days for us to dominate Chicago. We still need about 10% to go, and thats only if Chicago wasnt voting.
This is a group effort, and thats why I'm depending on you guys. The San Fran team only has 5 people. Chicago and LA have 10 and 7. If it was a competition just between the team members, we'd lose! But its not, and we need to work harder for the "lack" of people.
Text. Post. Email. Whatever! Us voting alone wont be enough to get the numbers up. We need to get people involved!
I know I've been annoying everyone when I text and email and post stuff on Facebook and stuff. But thats because I'm one person. Think of the impact when a whole group of kids are doing this? One annoying little girl becomes a group of people looking for support.
We've all worked hard to get our votes up! And it worked! I dont want to do all this, and end up losing in the end. I dont want all of those hours voting to just go to waste.
Voting ends on the 18. Thats THIS THURSDAY! A few more days then its over! Voting and me spamming the announcements, pestering you guys to vote.
Make it easier for yourself, tell YOUR FRIENDS TO VOTE. Lets not have our efforts go to waste, guys.
So lets pull it together for just a few more days and show Chicago and LA what San Fran is made of!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What's Happening: 11.10.10 In Which Rachel Needs Your Voting Help
Work night is tonight. Check with Cathie and Joyce to see if you need to be here. We'll start at the end of lunch and proceed until the cows come home.
Rachel Says: HELP!! SOS!! ANYONE!!
Okay, so voting has been going on for a while. It ends on the 18th...and guess what? SAN FRAN IS LOSING!
Everyone seemed so excited when I first posted the announcement about the competition...Where did all of that excitement run off to?
I have people coming up to me and telling me that they voted...Probably one vote. As heartfelt as that it, I have to be completely honest, is, its not enough.
Just one. Anyone read the "UNLIMITED" part? It takes about 10 votes to go up .01%. That means it takes 100 just to go up 1%!
vote at Fresh Films!
This is war here! When you're out on the battlefield, you're not going to use one bullet to beat out your hundred-man enemy army. Are you? Hopefully not. I really hope not.
There's only one week left! Checklist ready?
- Text every single person you know. Time it so that they'll probably be on the computer when you text them.
- Email every single person you know.
- Post this (not this but something of the sort) on your Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter...any random site/page.
- Tell your friends to tell theirs. And theirs. And theirs. At and after school.
This may not be that important to you, because well, you may think you have nothing to do with it. But its super important to me. I spent a week going to and from San Fransisco on BART and the bus, and worked my butt off to make that film. I cant, we (The San Fran Team) can't win alone. We need people to support us. It'd be really cool if you guys were those "people."
When I wrote this, Team San Fran were behind by more than 10%. Think we can change it over the four-day weekend? :/
Rachel Says: HELP!! SOS!! ANYONE!!
Okay, so voting has been going on for a while. It ends on the 18th...and guess what? SAN FRAN IS LOSING!
Everyone seemed so excited when I first posted the announcement about the competition...Where did all of that excitement run off to?
I have people coming up to me and telling me that they voted...Probably one vote. As heartfelt as that it, I have to be completely honest, is, its not enough.
Just one. Anyone read the "UNLIMITED" part? It takes about 10 votes to go up .01%. That means it takes 100 just to go up 1%!
vote at Fresh Films!
This is war here! When you're out on the battlefield, you're not going to use one bullet to beat out your hundred-man enemy army. Are you? Hopefully not. I really hope not.
There's only one week left! Checklist ready?
- Text every single person you know. Time it so that they'll probably be on the computer when you text them.
- Email every single person you know.
- Post this (not this but something of the sort) on your Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter...any random site/page.
- Tell your friends to tell theirs. And theirs. And theirs. At and after school.
This may not be that important to you, because well, you may think you have nothing to do with it. But its super important to me. I spent a week going to and from San Fransisco on BART and the bus, and worked my butt off to make that film. I cant, we (The San Fran Team) can't win alone. We need people to support us. It'd be really cool if you guys were those "people."
When I wrote this, Team San Fran were behind by more than 10%. Think we can change it over the four-day weekend? :/
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What's Happening: 11.9.10
Part II...TODAY: Writing workshop for all. It's time to review the inverted pyramid and get some practice with it. Those of you participating in the writing workshop will be turning in your assignment before you leave class today.
Wednesday: Photo workshop with Cathie
Worknight tomorrow beginning immediately after school until we get done or get kicked out so the custodians can go home OR until the computers go into maintenance mode, whichever comes first.
Support Rachel's Film:
Wednesday: Photo workshop with Cathie
Worknight tomorrow beginning immediately after school until we get done or get kicked out so the custodians can go home OR until the computers go into maintenance mode, whichever comes first.
Support Rachel's Film:
Hey. Hey you. Vote. Now. Yeah. Now. Go. Vote. VOTE.
Hello. :) This is Rachel. So, voting started today for Fresh Films. The majority of you probably wont know what I'm talking about so here's the background details:
- This is part of a non-profit organization called Dreaming Tree Films.
- Fresh Films is a project where teens are chosen to make a short film in 6 days.
- Three teams where chosen. One in San Fran (Woot!), Chicago, and LA.
- At the end of the 6 days, the films made are put up for an online voting competition (this is where you people come in :D ).
- The team with the most votes at the end of NOV 18 I think. >.<
- For more info on the teams and program, check out
So yeah, I spent 6 days making a short film (while skipping school xD) and worked my butt off, so forget LA and forget Chicago. Please support and vote for SAN FRANCISCO~ Let San Fran have more glory in addition to winning the World Series! :)
Yeah...Vote! I know I wrote that word like a million times here...Please? One a day would be really meaningful to me. D':
P.S. Did I mention you can vote as many times as you want? :P
link---------> <---------link
Monday, November 8, 2010
What's Happening: 11.8.10
Read this article about including students in the yearbook.
Here's another good article from the NY Times on cheese politics. Why should you read an article on cheese politics? It's a good example of feature writing. There are other good reasons to read this piece as well. The underlying message to you, the consumer, is that we must be media critics and really examine what we're being told by organizations that claim to have our health as their top priority. Do the claims in this article surprise you?
TODAY: Writing workshop for all. It's time to review the inverted pyramid and get some practice with it. Those of you participating in the writing workshop will be turning in your assignment before you leave class today.
Support Rachel's Film:
Here's another good article from the NY Times on cheese politics. Why should you read an article on cheese politics? It's a good example of feature writing. There are other good reasons to read this piece as well. The underlying message to you, the consumer, is that we must be media critics and really examine what we're being told by organizations that claim to have our health as their top priority. Do the claims in this article surprise you?
TODAY: Writing workshop for all. It's time to review the inverted pyramid and get some practice with it. Those of you participating in the writing workshop will be turning in your assignment before you leave class today.
Support Rachel's Film:
Hey. Hey you. Vote. Now. Yeah. Now. Go. Vote. VOTE.
Hello. :) This is Rachel. So, voting started today for Fresh Films. The majority of you probably wont know what I'm talking about so here's the background details:
- This is part of a non-profit organization called Dreaming Tree Films.
- Fresh Films is a project where teens are chosen to make a short film in 6 days.
- Three teams where chosen. One in San Fran (Woot!), Chicago, and LA.
- At the end of the 6 days, the films made are put up for an online voting competition (this is where you people come in :D ).
- The team with the most votes at the end of NOV 18 I think. >.<
- For more info on the teams and program, check out
So yeah, I spent 6 days making a short film (while skipping school xD) and worked my butt off, so forget LA and forget Chicago. Please support and vote for SAN FRANCISCO~ Let San Fran have more glory in addition to winning the World Series! :)
Yeah...Vote! I know I wrote that word like a million times here...Please? One a day would be really meaningful to me. D':
P.S. Did I mention you can vote as many times as you want? :P
link---------> <---------link
Friday, November 5, 2010
What's Happening: 11.5.10
Don't forget worknight is Wednesday, November 10.
From Joyce:
Support Rachel's Film:
From Joyce:
For A period:
Cathie should be coming in before the period ends. She'll have the new deadline sign up sheet. There are two assignments you can pick from: spreads (you can have up to two partners) or profiles (only one person).
If you pick a spread:
- E-mail me what spread you chose so I can tell you all the details and what to cover, etc.
- Spreads are due 11.24.10 (Wednesday). Don't slack. These are really easy topics.
If you pick a profile:
Email ME (Joyce) 10 interview questions by the end of the day. No, not the next day. The same day, please!
I should send them back to you by the next day if not sooner. Start your interview as soon as I approve.
Your interviews are due Tuesday 11.9.10. They don't have to be in story form, just Q&A form. They are due TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY! There is no reason for it to be given to me any day later.
By the way, staff pictures were soooo cute. Keep up the good work and remember you can always e-mail me if you need something, or leave me a post-it note on my computer. Don't forget your deadines!
Love, Joyce
Support Rachel's Film:
Hey. Hey you. Vote. Now. Yeah. Now. Go. Vote. VOTE.
Hello. :) This is Rachel. So, voting started today for Fresh Films. The majority of you probably wont know what I'm talking about so here's the background details:
- This is part of a non-profit organization called Dreaming Tree Films.
- Fresh Films is a project where teens are chosen to make a short film in 6 days.
- Three teams where chosen. One in San Fran (Woot!), Chicago, and LA.
- At the end of the 6 days, the films made are put up for an online voting competition (this is where you people come in :D ).
- The team with the most votes at the end of NOV 18 I think. >.<
- For more info on the teams and program, check out
So yeah, I spent 6 days making a short film (while skipping school xD) and worked my butt off, so forget LA and forget Chicago. Please support and vote for SAN FRANCISCO~ Let San Fran have more glory in addition to winning the World Series! :)
Yeah...Vote! I know I wrote that word like a million times here...Please? One a day would be really meaningful to me. D':
P.S. Did I mention you can vote as many times as you want? :P
link---------> <---------link
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What's Happening: 11.4.10
TODAY: A and 1st period you will be looking at the art of commenting. Three comments due by Friday night.
If you were at the parade on Wednesday, please share your photos with It would be great to post some pics from those who were there.
The Academy of Art presentation has been rescheduled to December 8. It will be during 4th lunch. If you want to attend, please use this form to sign up.
Speaking of professional development...Tuesday, November 16 a photojournalist will be at PVHS to tell you about the field of photojournalism. If you have a camera, you should bring it to the workshop. This event will be after school at 4 pm. The room number will be announced next week.
The latest CC Spin is up online. Check out our stories.
Rumor has it that you'll have a current events quiz Friday. Additional rumor says that the quiz will focus on the three stories above and the election results. Wojo started the rumor, so it's probably pretty accurate.
Don't forget worknight is Wednesday, November 10 beginning immediately after school.
If you were at the parade on Wednesday, please share your photos with It would be great to post some pics from those who were there.
The Academy of Art presentation has been rescheduled to December 8. It will be during 4th lunch. If you want to attend, please use this form to sign up.
Speaking of professional development...Tuesday, November 16 a photojournalist will be at PVHS to tell you about the field of photojournalism. If you have a camera, you should bring it to the workshop. This event will be after school at 4 pm. The room number will be announced next week.
The latest CC Spin is up online. Check out our stories.
Rumor has it that you'll have a current events quiz Friday. Additional rumor says that the quiz will focus on the three stories above and the election results. Wojo started the rumor, so it's probably pretty accurate.
Don't forget worknight is Wednesday, November 10 beginning immediately after school.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What's Happening: 11.3.10
TODAY. Professional Development opportunity. 11 am which is during 4th lunch (if you're interested let Wojo know so you can get on the excuse list). Journ/Yearbook room. The Academy of Art will be doing a presentation on their programs which include art, design, computer animation, film and more. Check it out!
In other news...that is weird...The University of South Carolina will be offering a course on Lady Gaga and all the Harry Potter fans out there (especially those in India) are responsible for the decline in the Indian owl population. And finally, to show you that we do live in rare circumstances here in the US, watch this story about the invasion of the tuktuks.
Rumor has it that you'll have a current events quiz Friday. Additional rumor says that the quiz will focus on the three stories above and the election results. Wojo started the rumor, so it's probably pretty accurate.
In other news...that is weird...The University of South Carolina will be offering a course on Lady Gaga and all the Harry Potter fans out there (especially those in India) are responsible for the decline in the Indian owl population. And finally, to show you that we do live in rare circumstances here in the US, watch this story about the invasion of the tuktuks.
Rumor has it that you'll have a current events quiz Friday. Additional rumor says that the quiz will focus on the three stories above and the election results. Wojo started the rumor, so it's probably pretty accurate.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
What's Happening: 11.2.10
In light of our tech blackout last Friday, this article is pretty interesting. Could you give up your electronic devices for "No-Tech Tuesdays"? Leave a comment on this post. Discuss how easy (or not) it would be for you to give up electronic gadgets one day a week. This is an assignment. It is due no later than 9 pm today.
Today, seniors have a class meeting second period. who will be taking candids from yearbook? Thursday is Club Fair. Who is taking pictures for that? Put your names up on the whiteboard.
Today we will be doing goal setting for the quarter. This is an assignment. You will be putting together a portfolio to show how you have advanced toward your goals.
Today, seniors have a class meeting second period. who will be taking candids from yearbook? Thursday is Club Fair. Who is taking pictures for that? Put your names up on the whiteboard.
Today we will be doing goal setting for the quarter. This is an assignment. You will be putting together a portfolio to show how you have advanced toward your goals.
Monday, November 1, 2010
What's Happening: 11.1.10
Ceil is here today to collect the cover and endsheets. She has brought cookies for all!
A period, please STAY in the room for a few minutes after class. I have sent an email out to all teachers letting them know you will be a few minutes late.
Worknight is November 10. Mark your calendars now!
If you have spreads that are incomplete, you are expected to work in the room at lunch whenever the room is open. If you are finished and can help others, your assistance at lunch would be much appreciated.
On Tuesday, November 2, we will be doing an assignment in class that will take most of the period. Please do not be late to class.
A period, please STAY in the room for a few minutes after class. I have sent an email out to all teachers letting them know you will be a few minutes late.
Worknight is November 10. Mark your calendars now!
If you have spreads that are incomplete, you are expected to work in the room at lunch whenever the room is open. If you are finished and can help others, your assistance at lunch would be much appreciated.
On Tuesday, November 2, we will be doing an assignment in class that will take most of the period. Please do not be late to class.
Friday, October 29, 2010
What's Happening: 10.29.10
WooHoo! It's Friday! As we celebrate Halloween, which is a billion dollar holiday (it's actually bigger than Easter now), remember that your spreads should be finished today. The room will be open 4th period lunch if you need to work.
READ THIS from Cathie:
Ceil will be here Monday to collect the cover and endsheets. I think that means you get Cookies for Covers!
READ THIS from Cathie:
Happy Halloween!
Your spreads are still due today by the end of your class periods. Have any questions? Ask me or Joyce ASAP.
Photographers: Please have your cameras out all day, snapping photos of interesting/awesome costumes, a group of friends dressed in costumes with relation to each other, etc.
Things have been hectic, and I've been a little... strict/stern/mean. (that's what happens when things aren't done on time!) but I'm glad to announce most spreads are going through the final edits! Yay us!
Next week we'll be doing something fun before you get your next assignments :)
Enjoy your weekend. Don't eat too much candy!
Ceil will be here Monday to collect the cover and endsheets. I think that means you get Cookies for Covers!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What's Happening: 10.28.10
Deadline is Friday. Your photos have been fixed. DO NOT do anything else with the photos that are on your spreads.
Tomorrow is Friday! Don't forget to wear your staff shirt (Got Yearbook?). If you don't have a staff shirt, wear school colors since it's also distribution day for the newspaper.
ASSIGNMENT: Please complete the first quarter reflection by clicking on this link. No one sees this but Wojo. Please be honest in your assessment of your progress this quarter. This is due no later than 5 pm on Friday. It's a reflection, but you also get points for completing it.
Uncensored from Cathie:
Due to the fiasco yesterday, I have a couple things to say..
Tomorrow is Friday! Don't forget to wear your staff shirt (Got Yearbook?). If you don't have a staff shirt, wear school colors since it's also distribution day for the newspaper.
ASSIGNMENT: Please complete the first quarter reflection by clicking on this link. No one sees this but Wojo. Please be honest in your assessment of your progress this quarter. This is due no later than 5 pm on Friday. It's a reflection, but you also get points for completing it.
Uncensored from Cathie:
Due to the fiasco yesterday, I have a couple things to say..
WHEN AN EDITOR TELLS YOU TO DO SOMETHING... we expect you to do it. Editors + Wojo have the last word. PERIOD. Don't change something we've put on your spread
- DO NOT. I repeat DO NOT do cutouts for your spread IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO THEM. Meaning.. EVERYBODY except staff veterans. People have been saving over original files, leaving no room for us to save a bad cut out. Also, it's just wasting time if we have to come after you and try to clean up a cutout that should have been done right the first time.
- No files other than JPEG/JPG and PSD files are allowed.
- If you happen to reorganize your photos, RELINK THEM ON YOUR SPREAD!
- DO NOT SCREEN PHOTOS THAT ARE NOT YOURS! Meaning, do not go through photos that you DID NOT take and delete them, rename them, move them etc. Photos have been missing and moved around, and we (as in editors) have to take time to find the file due to unnecessary alterations.
- DO NOT use point and shoot cameras, meaning non-DSLRs for your photos. (Unless otherwise approved) I don't want to have to deal with this again.
- Don't know how to use a camera? NOTIFY ME OR A PHOTOGRAPHER AHEAD OF TIME. Don't check out a camera if you're even slightly doubting that you don't know how to use it.
- A PERIOD: You should be here until 8:12. A handful of you have been leaving early.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What's Happening: 10.27.10
The room is closed at lunch for the remainder of the week.
Do not forget that Friday is the end of the quarter. Wojo must see some production (spreads completed).
Editors: Your cover and endsheets are due to Wojo on Friday. Ceil will be taking them on Monday. Monday is a minimum day. You have no time to waste.
Do not forget that Friday is the end of the quarter. Wojo must see some production (spreads completed).
Editors: Your cover and endsheets are due to Wojo on Friday. Ceil will be taking them on Monday. Monday is a minimum day. You have no time to waste.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What's Happening: 10.26.10
Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Reminder: Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Warning: Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Reminder: Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Warning: Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Monday, October 25, 2010
What's Happening: 10.25.10
Great work Friday night! Almost the entire staff attended and got work done!
Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Recommended NewsU courses:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Please do not forget that the quarter ends on Friday. This is a production class. If you have not produced much (i.e. finished your spreads), your grade will reflect that.
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Recommended NewsU courses:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Friday, October 22, 2010
What's Happening: 10.22.10
Don't forget:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
- work night is tonight. Check the wheasel to see if you're supposed to be here. If your work is finished, check with your editors; you might have the night off. We will begin around 4 or as soon as Wojo returns from the training.
- professional development for first quarter is due no later than October 25th at 9 pm. If you haven't completed your requirement yet, please do one of the NewsU courses listed below (or choose one that better matches your interests)
- photographers, don't forget you have a photo essay assignment due by next Tuesday. If you are a photographer and don't know what this is about, please check your email. If you didn't get the email, but want to take photos, check with one of the photographers and have them forward the email to you.
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What's Happening: 10.20.10
Don't forget your profile of Ms. LaForest is due tomorrow, 10.21.10. You will write a profile of Ms. LaForest that will be shared with Wojo by Thursday by 7 am. Use Google Docs for your document. Minimum 300 words. Must include direct quotes from your subject and/or others on campus who know her. Be sure you take good notes.
Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.
From Joyce:
Grab a Post-it Note! What are the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment? Write your name and the five freedoms on the post-it and put it on the door behind Wojo's desk. This is an assignment. No, you are not being asked to write the entire First Amendment.
Recommended NewsU courses:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Worknight is Friday. All staff members must attend. Watch the wheasel (yes, that's how it's spelled) for more information.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.
From Joyce:
Grab a Post-it Note! What are the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment? Write your name and the five freedoms on the post-it and put it on the door behind Wojo's desk. This is an assignment. No, you are not being asked to write the entire First Amendment.
Recommended NewsU courses:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Worknight is Friday. All staff members must attend. Watch the wheasel (yes, that's how it's spelled) for more information.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What's Happening: 10.19.10
Please welcome Ms. LaForest to class! You will be interviewing her shortly. LaForest is a graduate of Hercules High School. As a group, you have 25 minutes to interview her. You will write a profile of Ms. LaForest that will be shared with Wojo by Thursday by 7 am. Use Google Docs for your document. Minimum 300 words. Must include direct quotes from your subject and/or others on campus who know her. Be sure you take good notes.
Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.
From Joyce:
Recommended NewsU courses:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Don't forget that web assignments are due Tuesday by 3:30 pm.
Worknight is Friday. All staff members must attend. Watch the wheasel (yes, that's how it's spelled) for more information.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.
From Joyce:
Please send me (Joyce) your articles before Wednesday, October 20. Friday is THE official deadline. Meeting the deadline is your grade.
If your article ready to be checked, send me a message along with your google doc.
Captions should be done on Wednesday as well.
There are other types of sidebars rather than quote collections, so INVESTIGATE for good secondary coverage.
I'm tired of seeing quote collections.
Recommended NewsU courses:
First Amendment for High School Students
The Be A Reporter Game (you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
The Be An Editor Game ( you will need to do AT LEAST one more course)
Cleaning Your Copy
Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision
Layout Driven Editing
Telling Stories With Sound
Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
There are MANY, MANY more courses that are available. Choose something that matches your interests!
Remember: the deadline to complete your professional development for the quarter is October 25. When you are finished you will go into the course report tab and EMAIL Wojo a copy of your course report. If you can email yourself a copy of the report as well.
Don't forget that web assignments are due Tuesday by 3:30 pm.
Worknight is Friday. All staff members must attend. Watch the wheasel (yes, that's how it's spelled) for more information.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What's Happening: 10.18.10
Worknight is Friday. EICs are expected to attend. Others will be notified throughout the week. Watch the wheasel (yes, that's how it's spelled) for more information.
Tomorrow, Tuesday (10/19), you will have a substitute. As a group, you have 25 minutes to interview her. You will write a profile of the substitute that will be share with Wojo by Thursday by 7 am. Use Google Docs for your document. Minimum 300 words. Must include direct quotes from your subject and/or others on campus who know her. Be sure you take good notes.
Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Tomorrow, Tuesday (10/19), you will have a substitute. As a group, you have 25 minutes to interview her. You will write a profile of the substitute that will be share with Wojo by Thursday by 7 am. Use Google Docs for your document. Minimum 300 words. Must include direct quotes from your subject and/or others on campus who know her. Be sure you take good notes.
Worried about how to do a profile? The New York Times does great profiles (here's one tied to a specific event). Recently, they have been doing a series on what famous New Yorkers do on the weekends. You may choose the format of the portfolio, but you must include the elements listed above.
Speaking of the New York Times....Here's a blog on the college admissions process.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What's Happening: 10.14.10
Thanks to everyone who attended the press rights workshop yesterday. The group mowed through six extra-large pizzas in short order.
Upcoming Events:
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Upcoming Events:
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
10.13.10 PSAT Day!
Don't forget to sign up for the workshop this afternoon. Our topic is student press rights. We will begin at 4 pm. See yesterday's announcements for the sign up list.
In honor of PSAT Day and the fact that students everywhere have always looked for creative ways to get out of turning in their homework, here's a new one:
The Kitteh Ate My Homework
In honor of PSAT Day and the fact that students everywhere have always looked for creative ways to get out of turning in their homework, here's a new one:
The Kitteh Ate My Homework
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
What's Happening: 10.12.10
TODAY: Mock Interviews at lunch. DO NOT disturb the room at lunch as interviews will be taking place the entire period.
Don't forget that you must complete professional development each quarter. Most of you have not fulfilled your requirement yet. This Wednesday, Steve O'Donoghue will be here to discuss student press rights. We will begin at 4 pm in H105. Usually, the talks are about an hour. Pizza will arrive about 5 pm. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend (we need to know how much pizza to order).
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.You will need to arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. What do you want for breakfast? Someone needs to tell me....
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Don't forget that you must complete professional development each quarter. Most of you have not fulfilled your requirement yet. This Wednesday, Steve O'Donoghue will be here to discuss student press rights. We will begin at 4 pm in H105. Usually, the talks are about an hour. Pizza will arrive about 5 pm. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend (we need to know how much pizza to order).
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.You will need to arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. What do you want for breakfast? Someone needs to tell me....
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Monday, October 11, 2010
What's Happening: 10.11.10
Don't forget that you must complete professional development each quarter. Most of you have not fulfilled your requirement yet. This Wednesday, Steve O'Donoghue will be here to discuss student press rights. We will begin at 4 pm in H105. Usually, the talks are about an hour. Pizza will arrive about 5 pm. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend (we need to know how much pizza to order).
Last Friday, many of you were sent an email reminding you of the mock interview program tomorrow. If you received an email and cannot attend, please let Wojo know immediately. If you are not part of the interviews tomorrow, you will participate on October 26th.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.You will need to arrive no later than 8:30 a.m.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Last Friday, many of you were sent an email reminding you of the mock interview program tomorrow. If you received an email and cannot attend, please let Wojo know immediately. If you are not part of the interviews tomorrow, you will participate on October 26th.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.You will need to arrive no later than 8:30 a.m.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Friday, October 8, 2010
What's Happening: 10.8.10 It's HOMECOMING!!!
Editors, please check to make sure that all Homecoming coverage is arranged. You cannot get a do-over on this.
Photographers, please check the whiteboard with photo assignments and instructions. Game photographers will need to check in with Strickland or Krystek before entering the game. Be sure to have your ID with you.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.You will need to arrive to class by 8:30 a.m.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Photographers, please check the whiteboard with photo assignments and instructions. Game photographers will need to check in with Strickland or Krystek before entering the game. Be sure to have your ID with you.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.You will need to arrive to class by 8:30 a.m.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What's Happening: 10.7.10
No current events quiz tomorrow. You'll be too busy planning homecoming coverage.
This is the text of a message posted by Steve O'Donoghue on the JEA listserv. Why is it here? Because it is important.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
This is the text of a message posted by Steve O'Donoghue on the JEA listserv. Why is it here? Because it is important.
From Jerry Ceppos, Dean of the Reynolds School of Journalism at theAssignment: After reading the text above, leave a comment here. What are your thoughts on the value of a journalism class? This is due by 5 pm today.
University of Nevada Reno:
Our friend Frank LoMonte, of the Student Press Law Center, had a pithy quote
in a USA Today story this morning about bullying. Here it is:
But there is already a highly successful program that trains young people to
differentiate between fact and rumor, verify information before they repeat
it, take responsibility for the consequences of their words, respect
opposing points of view, and weigh the legal and ethical considerations
before damaging a person's reputation. That program is called "journalism."
When everyone with Internet access is a publisher, school authorities should
be stampeding to ensure that all students are taught the journalistic
fundamentals to publish responsibly. Far too many are doing the opposite.
Journalism teachers are being driven from the classroom - fired, demoted or
transferred in retaliation for their students' uncomfortably candid
journalistic work. Administrators who value the PR illusion of a
controversy-free school over the quality of education are creating a hostile
climate that makes participation in journalism intolerable for all but the
meekest and most compliant students - just when the values conveyed by
journalism education are desperately needed.
State officials in Kansas are defunding scholastic journalism programs on
the grounds that newsgathering is not a marketable career. They are right.
Ethics, responsibility, accuracy and fairness are not résumé credentials;
they are essential life skills for membership in a civilized society, which
journalism teaches effectively.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class October 13 to work on the paper. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What's Happening: 10.6.10
When working with your purple sheets, please make sure that you check off the items each day or leave a note about your progress. If the daily task isn't initialed by the staffer, it will not be checked by the editor. Also, please put the location of the photos for your spread on the purple sheet.
Really, really, first period. Current Events Quiz on Thursday. It will be toward the end of the period. Really. This week's quiz is on Friday.
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking that PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Really, really, first period. Current Events Quiz on Thursday. It will be toward the end of the period. Really. This week's quiz is on Friday.
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking that PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
What's Happening: 10.5.10
Current Events Quiz today. It will be toward the end of the period. Really.
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking that PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking that PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Monday, October 4, 2010
What's Happening: 10.4.10
Current Events Quiz today. It will be toward the end of the period.
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking that PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages. The 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be taking that PSAT that morning.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Friday, October 1, 2010
What's Happening: 10.1.10
Current Events Quiz today. It will be toward the end of the period.
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Don't forget to use your purple sheet to check of the work you complete on your new spread (and your old one). Put these back in the hot pink folder before you leave for the day. Your work is checked and signed off each day.
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Seniors, I expect to see you in class on October 13, working on your pages.
Upcoming Events:
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Thursday, September 30, 2010
What's Happening: 9.30.10
Please check the whiteboard to see if there are any messages for you. Wojo is putting important items there too.
Today, some of you will be getting new spread assignments while others will be finishing the old ones. ALL of you will be using the new checklist for spread completion. It will help keep you on track and keep your grade up.
Current events quiz tomorrow. Yes, indeedy, it's back.
Upcoming Events:
October 1: Journalism Bootcamp FULL
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Today, some of you will be getting new spread assignments while others will be finishing the old ones. ALL of you will be using the new checklist for spread completion. It will help keep you on track and keep your grade up.
Current events quiz tomorrow. Yes, indeedy, it's back.
Upcoming Events:
October 1: Journalism Bootcamp FULL
October 13: West County Scholastic Press Association (I just made that up, but it sounds cool) after school workshop on Student Press Rights. 4-5 pm in H105. This counts as professional development. The speaker will be Steve O'Donoghue.
October 22: Work night 4-9 pm
October 25: Professional Development requirement due. If you have not attended one of the after school workshops, you can do a NewsU course.
October 29: Quarter 1 ends
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What's Happening: 9.29.10 will be here second period today. If you signed up last week you are already on the excuse list.
If you would like to sign up for the mock interview program, please see Wojo. We need to know how many students will be participating to make sure we have enough interviewers present.
Your spreads are due today. Many are not finished so the editors will be conferencing with you about the status of your pages.
In the meantime, you will be getting a separate assignment that will be due on Friday, October 1. This assignment requires you to write an opinion piece in response to an article. We will go over the article in class today and you will probably have to finish the assignment at home since pages are due.
If you would like to sign up for the mock interview program, please see Wojo. We need to know how many students will be participating to make sure we have enough interviewers present.
Your spreads are due today. Many are not finished so the editors will be conferencing with you about the status of your pages.
In the meantime, you will be getting a separate assignment that will be due on Friday, October 1. This assignment requires you to write an opinion piece in response to an article. We will go over the article in class today and you will probably have to finish the assignment at home since pages are due.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What's Happening: 9.28.10
Deadline Wednesday! Make sure those pages get finished!
Interview workshop today. We will have sign ups this week for the mock interview program. If you are thinking about applying to a highly competitive college or scholarship OR you will be looking for a job, this is a chance for your to get some practice.
Interview workshop today. We will have sign ups this week for the mock interview program. If you are thinking about applying to a highly competitive college or scholarship OR you will be looking for a job, this is a chance for your to get some practice.
Monday, September 27, 2010
What's Happening: 9.27.10
Deadline Wednesday! In preparation, we will spend an hour or so after school TODAY working on the book.
Assignment: Get a post-it note. Put your name and the answer to the question on the note and put it on the door behind Wojo's desk. No fair check out others' answers before figuring it out yourself. What do Twilight (the whole series), I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Chocolate War, To Kill a Mockingbird and the Harry Potter books have in common? Yes, you probably could Google it to find the commonality.
Assignment: Get a post-it note. Put your name and the answer to the question on the note and put it on the door behind Wojo's desk. No fair check out others' answers before figuring it out yourself. What do Twilight (the whole series), I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Chocolate War, To Kill a Mockingbird and the Harry Potter books have in common? Yes, you probably could Google it to find the commonality.
Friday, September 24, 2010
What's Happening: 9.24.10
Continue working on your spreads. Remember, they are due, completed, by Wednesday, September 29.
If you are interested in attending the presentation from on Wednesday, September 29 during second period, you will need to let Wojo know by this Friday, September 24 so you can get on the excuse list. If you are in second period, you do not need to contact Wojo since you will be attending the presentation.
Next Week:
Monday: Career and Technical Education presentation from CCC, second period (if you're interested in attending, let Wojo know)
Tuesday: Preparing for Job, Scholarship and/or College Application Interviews
Wednesday: Patch Presentation during second period
If you are interested in attending the presentation from on Wednesday, September 29 during second period, you will need to let Wojo know by this Friday, September 24 so you can get on the excuse list. If you are in second period, you do not need to contact Wojo since you will be attending the presentation.
Next Week:
Monday: Career and Technical Education presentation from CCC, second period (if you're interested in attending, let Wojo know)
Tuesday: Preparing for Job, Scholarship and/or College Application Interviews
Wednesday: Patch Presentation during second period
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What's Happening: 9.23.10
Remember, Ceil will be here TODAY to discuss advertising and sales for yearbooks. Please arrive to class by 8 am so that we can begin. A period yearbook students will remain in class during 1st period to participate in the discussion. An excuse list will go out today.
If you are interested in attending the presentation from on Wednesday, September 29 during second period, you will need to let Wojo know by this Friday, September 24 so you can get on the excuse list. If you are in second period, you do not need to contact Wojo since you will be attending the presentation.
Next Week:
Monday: Career and Technical Education presentation from CCC, second period (if you're interested in attending, let Wojo know)
Tuesday: Preparing for Job, Scholarship and/or College Application Interviews
Wednesday: Patch Presentation during second period
If you are interested in attending the presentation from on Wednesday, September 29 during second period, you will need to let Wojo know by this Friday, September 24 so you can get on the excuse list. If you are in second period, you do not need to contact Wojo since you will be attending the presentation.
Next Week:
Monday: Career and Technical Education presentation from CCC, second period (if you're interested in attending, let Wojo know)
Tuesday: Preparing for Job, Scholarship and/or College Application Interviews
Wednesday: Patch Presentation during second period
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What's Happening: 9.22.10
Work on your spreads.
Remember, Ceil will be here tomorrow to discuss advertising and sales for yearbooks. Please arrive to class by 8 am so that we can begin. A period yearbook students will remain in class during 1st period to participate in the discussion. An excuse list will go out today.
If you are interested in attending the presentation from on Wednesday, September 29 during second period, you will need to let Wojo know by this Friday, September 24 so you can get on the excuse list. If you are in second period, you do not need to contact Wojo since you will be attending the presentation.
Next Week:
Monday: Career and Technical Education presentation from CCC, second period (if you're interested in attending, let Wojo know)
Tuesday: Preparing for Job, Scholarship and/or College Application Interviews
Wednesday: Patch Presentation during second period
Remember, Ceil will be here tomorrow to discuss advertising and sales for yearbooks. Please arrive to class by 8 am so that we can begin. A period yearbook students will remain in class during 1st period to participate in the discussion. An excuse list will go out today.
If you are interested in attending the presentation from on Wednesday, September 29 during second period, you will need to let Wojo know by this Friday, September 24 so you can get on the excuse list. If you are in second period, you do not need to contact Wojo since you will be attending the presentation.
Next Week:
Monday: Career and Technical Education presentation from CCC, second period (if you're interested in attending, let Wojo know)
Tuesday: Preparing for Job, Scholarship and/or College Application Interviews
Wednesday: Patch Presentation during second period
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What's Happening: 9.21.10
Today: Resume writing workshop during class. If you have a resume bring it to class since you will be updating it with new information. If you do NOT have a resume you will be developing one. A hard copy of your resume will be due on Friday, September 24 at the beginning of class.
Ceil will be here Thursday, September 24. We will be focusing on yearbook sales. We really need to bring our number up. Really. Seriously. Up. Those of you in A period will be pulled out of your first period class to attend this important workshop.
Because of the events this week, your deadline for your spread is moved to Wednesday, September 29. Next Tuesday, you have an interviewing workshop.
I really like the National Geographic Photo of the Month e-newsletter. Check out September's issue. It's free.
Here's a little something for your inner computer geek...Google has announced that editing for Google Docs is coming to the iPad! Scroll down in the story for information about editing on the iPad as well as Android devices.
Ceil will be here Thursday, September 24. We will be focusing on yearbook sales. We really need to bring our number up. Really. Seriously. Up. Those of you in A period will be pulled out of your first period class to attend this important workshop.
Because of the events this week, your deadline for your spread is moved to Wednesday, September 29. Next Tuesday, you have an interviewing workshop.
I really like the National Geographic Photo of the Month e-newsletter. Check out September's issue. It's free.
Here's a little something for your inner computer geek...Google has announced that editing for Google Docs is coming to the iPad! Scroll down in the story for information about editing on the iPad as well as Android devices.
Monday, September 20, 2010
What's Happening: 9.20.10
BRING IT! Yes, today is the day! Please print out your spreads to the HP 5200 on 11x17 paper (two pages will fit on a spread). You will share what you have accomplished so far. It is perfectly fine to discuss how you will apply what you learned at worknight to the development of your spread.
Tuesday: Resume writing workshop during class. If you have a resume bring it to class since you will be updating it with new information. If you do NOT have a resume you will be developing one. A hard copy of your resume will be due on Friday, September 24 at the beginning of class. Independent Study students will need to let Wojo know which class you will be attending. You may come in A, 1 or 2. The workshop will begin promptly after the bell, so please do not be late to class.
Ceil will be here Thursday, September 24. We will be focusing on yearbook sales. We really need to bring our number up. Really. Seriously. Up. Those of you in A period will be pulled out of your first period class to attend this important workshop.
Tuesday: Resume writing workshop during class. If you have a resume bring it to class since you will be updating it with new information. If you do NOT have a resume you will be developing one. A hard copy of your resume will be due on Friday, September 24 at the beginning of class. Independent Study students will need to let Wojo know which class you will be attending. You may come in A, 1 or 2. The workshop will begin promptly after the bell, so please do not be late to class.
Ceil will be here Thursday, September 24. We will be focusing on yearbook sales. We really need to bring our number up. Really. Seriously. Up. Those of you in A period will be pulled out of your first period class to attend this important workshop.
Friday, September 17, 2010
What's Happening: 9.17.10
Don't miss today's assignment below!
Staffers are expected to attend worknight (that's today). We will begin at 3:30.
Tuesday: Resume writing workshop during class. If you have a resume bring it to class since you will be updating it with new information. If you do NOT have a resume you will be developing one. A hard copy of your resume will be due on Friday, September 24 at the beginning of class. Independent Study students will need to let Wojo know which class you will be attending. You may come in A, 1 or 2. The workshop will begin promptly after the bell, so please do not be late to class.
Ceil will be here next Thursday, September 24. We will be focusing on yearbook sales. We really need to bring our number up. Really. Seriously. Up. Those of you in A period will be pulled out of your first period class to attend this important workshop.
Don't forget that BRING IT is coming! Yes, that's right. Sometime in the next four school days you will be asked to show your classmates what you have accomplished so far. This gives you the opportunity to show off what you've accomplished AND gives others a chance to learn. It also gives you the opportunity to get feedback on your work.
In honor of BRING IT, TODAY you will need to find another pair to work with. Check out each others' spreads. On a piece of paper, put their names and the name of the spread at the top of the paper. List three things that are working and two things that need improvement. Put your names at the bottom of the page. Staffers who are not currently assigned a spread will need to do the same thing with a minimum of THREE spreads. You may work with a partner. Editors are included in this assignment. This is due by the end of the period.
Staffers are expected to attend worknight (that's today). We will begin at 3:30.
Tuesday: Resume writing workshop during class. If you have a resume bring it to class since you will be updating it with new information. If you do NOT have a resume you will be developing one. A hard copy of your resume will be due on Friday, September 24 at the beginning of class. Independent Study students will need to let Wojo know which class you will be attending. You may come in A, 1 or 2. The workshop will begin promptly after the bell, so please do not be late to class.
Ceil will be here next Thursday, September 24. We will be focusing on yearbook sales. We really need to bring our number up. Really. Seriously. Up. Those of you in A period will be pulled out of your first period class to attend this important workshop.
Don't forget that BRING IT is coming! Yes, that's right. Sometime in the next four school days you will be asked to show your classmates what you have accomplished so far. This gives you the opportunity to show off what you've accomplished AND gives others a chance to learn. It also gives you the opportunity to get feedback on your work.
In honor of BRING IT, TODAY you will need to find another pair to work with. Check out each others' spreads. On a piece of paper, put their names and the name of the spread at the top of the paper. List three things that are working and two things that need improvement. Put your names at the bottom of the page. Staffers who are not currently assigned a spread will need to do the same thing with a minimum of THREE spreads. You may work with a partner. Editors are included in this assignment. This is due by the end of the period.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What's Happening 9.16.10
Yearbook staffers are expected to attend worknight this Friday, September 17 beginning at 3:30. Everyone is expected to attend. We have much to do.
Some of you still haven't done this: Please watch your deadlines for your first spread. Most of you have NOT shared your story document with Wojo. Please do that ASAP.
Don't forget that BRING IT is coming! Yes, that's right. Sometime in the next four school days you will be asked to show your classmates what you have accomplished so far. This gives you the opportunity to show off what you've accomplished AND gives others a chance to learn. It also gives you the opportunity to get feedback on your work.
What do you still need help with? Grab ONE post-it note (the basket is on the other side of Wojo's desk). Put your name on the post-it note. Also write down the one thing about yearbook design, writing or photography you are struggling with. Put the post-it on the door behind Wojo's desk. This is due before the end of the period. This is an assignment.
Some of you still haven't done this: Please watch your deadlines for your first spread. Most of you have NOT shared your story document with Wojo. Please do that ASAP.
Don't forget that BRING IT is coming! Yes, that's right. Sometime in the next four school days you will be asked to show your classmates what you have accomplished so far. This gives you the opportunity to show off what you've accomplished AND gives others a chance to learn. It also gives you the opportunity to get feedback on your work.
What do you still need help with? Grab ONE post-it note (the basket is on the other side of Wojo's desk). Put your name on the post-it note. Also write down the one thing about yearbook design, writing or photography you are struggling with. Put the post-it on the door behind Wojo's desk. This is due before the end of the period. This is an assignment.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What's Happening: 9.15.10
Yearbook staffers are expected to attend worknight this Friday, September 17 beginning at 3:30. Everyone is expected to attend. We have much to do.
Please watch your deadlines for your first spread. Most of you have NOT shared your story document with Wojo. Please do that ASAP.
For those of you going on the Contra Costa Times field trip today, we will leave from the school at 4 pm. Please meet at H105. We should be back in Hercules by 7:30. If you are leaving your car here, leave it in the faculty lot OR down by the clock tower. DO NOT park in the faculty lot during the day. If you cannot attend, please let Wojo know before the end of the school day today.
Please watch your deadlines for your first spread. Most of you have NOT shared your story document with Wojo. Please do that ASAP.
For those of you going on the Contra Costa Times field trip today, we will leave from the school at 4 pm. Please meet at H105. We should be back in Hercules by 7:30. If you are leaving your car here, leave it in the faculty lot OR down by the clock tower. DO NOT park in the faculty lot during the day. If you cannot attend, please let Wojo know before the end of the school day today.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
What's Happening: 9.14.10
Yearbook staffers are expected to attend worknight this Friday, September 17 beginning at 3:30. Everyone is expected to attend. We have much to do.
So...story ideas are everywhere. Today, in the Contra Costa Times, there is food for thought in a story on the safety of gas lines (do we have any here in Hercules? are they natural gas or something else? who is responsible for those lines?) and the release of API scores (how did HMHS fare this year? are scores up or down over last year? if they are down, what does that mean for our school? for college applications?)
For those of you going on the Contra Costa Times field trip Wednesday, we will leave from the school at 4 pm. Please meet at H105. We should be back in Hercules by 7:30. If you are leaving your car here, leave it in the faculty lot OR down by the clock tower. DO NOT park in the faculty lot during the day. If you cannot attend, please let Wojo know before the end of the school day on Wednesday.
So...story ideas are everywhere. Today, in the Contra Costa Times, there is food for thought in a story on the safety of gas lines (do we have any here in Hercules? are they natural gas or something else? who is responsible for those lines?) and the release of API scores (how did HMHS fare this year? are scores up or down over last year? if they are down, what does that mean for our school? for college applications?)
For those of you going on the Contra Costa Times field trip Wednesday, we will leave from the school at 4 pm. Please meet at H105. We should be back in Hercules by 7:30. If you are leaving your car here, leave it in the faculty lot OR down by the clock tower. DO NOT park in the faculty lot during the day. If you cannot attend, please let Wojo know before the end of the school day on Wednesday.
Monday, September 13, 2010
What's Happening: 9.13.10
Today, you will get your assignments for the first deadline. You will have approximately two weeks to complete this spread. TODAY you will need to begin your story document in which you list who will be interviewed, what questions they will be asked and what research you will need to complete in order to get your story done. This document should be named with your last name_name of spread. Share it with Wojo.
Note that the lunch schedule for the room AND the log in information for the SF Chronicle and New York Times have been moved to a sidebar.
Please come in the room at lunch (doesn't matter which one) if you need to work or have questions.
Is anyone interested in the CNPA workshop, October 16:
This one-day workshop in Sacramento counts towards your professional development for the quarter. See Wojo if you are interested.
The California Newspaper Publishers Association is hosting a one-day workshop in Sacramento, October 16. This workshop, to be held at the office of the Sacramento Bee, will have sessions for beginning, intermediate and advanced student journalists. There are even workshops for online media and social media. Check out the link here, for more information. Your registration fee will be covered if you attend this event. Please let Wojo know if you are interested in attending.
Need Recommendation? Seniors, if you need a recommendation from me, please collect the following in this order:I need at least two weeks' notice. Yes, yes, I know. All this hassle for a letter of recommendation? This makes my job SO much easier. I would strongly suggest that you prepare such a packet for anyone else who writes you a letter of recommendation.
- you will need a manila folder with your first and last names printed on the tab. The entire packet goes in here
- Cover letter to explain what you want and when you want it. If you would like me to focus on something in particular, please indicate that in your cover letter.
- Your current, complete resume
- List of current courses. This may be part of your cover letter OR on a separate sheet.
- An unofficial transcript
- You may include other information that might help me (such as details of activities outside of school) if you wish, but please put those behind the transcript.
Note that the lunch schedule for the room AND the log in information for the SF Chronicle and New York Times have been moved to a sidebar.
Please come in the room at lunch (doesn't matter which one) if you need to work or have questions.
Is anyone interested in the CNPA workshop, October 16:
This one-day workshop in Sacramento counts towards your professional development for the quarter. See Wojo if you are interested.
The California Newspaper Publishers Association is hosting a one-day workshop in Sacramento, October 16. This workshop, to be held at the office of the Sacramento Bee, will have sessions for beginning, intermediate and advanced student journalists. There are even workshops for online media and social media. Check out the link here, for more information. Your registration fee will be covered if you attend this event. Please let Wojo know if you are interested in attending.
Friday, September 10, 2010
What's Happening: 9.10.10
Current Events Quiz is just a few minutes away! Now would be the time to review with a partner.
Your spreads need to be finished TODAY. Take a look at where your spread is NOW. See what you have already completed. Perfect those parts that are already done, THEN, if you have time, add in the elements that you are missing. It would be better to have a few really good elements on the spread that a bunch of incomplete elements.
Make sure you are to class on time on Monday. Your EICs will be introducing you to your first spread assignments (yes, A period yearbookies, even you!). Some of you will be assigned a spread with a partner of your choice. Others have the experience to work by themselves on the first spread of the year.
Note that the lunch schedule for the room AND the log in information for the SF Chronicle and New York Times have been moved to a sidebar.
Please come in the room at lunch (doesn't matter which one) if you need to work or have questions.
Is anyone interested in the CNPA workshop, October 16:
This one-day workshop in Sacramento counts towards your professional development for the quarter. See Wojo if you are interested.
The California Newspaper Publishers Association is hosting a one-day workshop in Sacramento, October 16. This workshop, to be held at the office of the Sacramento Bee, will have sessions for beginning, intermediate and advanced student journalists. There are even workshops for online media and social media. Check out the link here, for more information. Your registration fee will be covered if you attend this event. Please let Wojo know if you are interested in attending.
Your spreads need to be finished TODAY. Take a look at where your spread is NOW. See what you have already completed. Perfect those parts that are already done, THEN, if you have time, add in the elements that you are missing. It would be better to have a few really good elements on the spread that a bunch of incomplete elements.
Make sure you are to class on time on Monday. Your EICs will be introducing you to your first spread assignments (yes, A period yearbookies, even you!). Some of you will be assigned a spread with a partner of your choice. Others have the experience to work by themselves on the first spread of the year.
Need Recommendation? Seniors, if you need a recommendation from me, please collect the following in this order:I need at least two weeks' notice. Yes, yes, I know. All this hassle for a letter of recommendation? This makes my job SO much easier. I would strongly suggest that you prepare such a packet for anyone else who writes you a letter of recommendation.
- you will need a manila folder with your first and last names printed on the tab. The entire packet goes in here
- Cover letter to explain what you want and when you want it. If you would like me to focus on something in particular, please indicate that in your cover letter.
- Your current, complete resume
- List of current courses. This may be part of your cover letter OR on a separate sheet.
- An unofficial transcript
- You may include other information that might help me (such as details of activities outside of school) if you wish, but please put those behind the transcript.
Note that the lunch schedule for the room AND the log in information for the SF Chronicle and New York Times have been moved to a sidebar.
Please come in the room at lunch (doesn't matter which one) if you need to work or have questions.
Is anyone interested in the CNPA workshop, October 16:
This one-day workshop in Sacramento counts towards your professional development for the quarter. See Wojo if you are interested.
The California Newspaper Publishers Association is hosting a one-day workshop in Sacramento, October 16. This workshop, to be held at the office of the Sacramento Bee, will have sessions for beginning, intermediate and advanced student journalists. There are even workshops for online media and social media. Check out the link here, for more information. Your registration fee will be covered if you attend this event. Please let Wojo know if you are interested in attending.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
What's Happening: 9.9.10
Assignment: Student free speech is always a good topic for scholastic journalists to think about. Follow this link for the online article and comment instructions. This assignment is due by 4 pm today.
Continue working on your "All About Me Spread." It is due tomorrow by the end of the period. The room is open at lunch today AND after school for one hour.
Note that the lunch schedule for the room AND the log in information for the SF Chronicle and New York Times have been moved to a sidebar.
Please come in the room at lunch (doesn't matter which one) if you need to work or have questions.
Today, you will begin working on an inDesign spread called "All About Me."
Permission Slips NOW AVAILABLE!! Sign up now! Only three spots remain!
From the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club:
Also, don't forget the CNPA workshop, October 16:
The California Newspaper Publishers Association is hosting a one-day workshop in Sacramento, October 16. This workshop, to be held at the office of the Sacramento Bee, will have sessions for beginning, intermediate and advanced student journalists. There are even workshops for online media and social media. Check out the link here, for more information. Your registration fee will be covered if you attend this event. Please let Wojo know if you are interested in attending.
Continue working on your "All About Me Spread." It is due tomorrow by the end of the period. The room is open at lunch today AND after school for one hour.
Need Recommendation? Seniors, if you need a recommendation from me, please collect the following in this order:I need at least two weeks' notice. Yes, yes, I know. All this hassle for a letter of recommendation? This makes my job SO much easier. I would strongly suggest that you prepare such a packet for anyone else who writes you a letter of recommendation.
- you will need a manila folder with your first and last names printed on the tab. The entire packet goes in here
- Cover letter to explain what you want and when you want it. If you would like me to focus on something in particular, please indicate that in your cover letter.
- Your current, complete resume
- List of current courses. This may be part of your cover letter OR on a separate sheet.
- An unofficial transcript
- You may include other information that might help me (such as details of activities outside of school) if you wish, but please put those behind the transcript.
Note that the lunch schedule for the room AND the log in information for the SF Chronicle and New York Times have been moved to a sidebar.
Please come in the room at lunch (doesn't matter which one) if you need to work or have questions.
Today, you will begin working on an inDesign spread called "All About Me."
Permission Slips NOW AVAILABLE!! Sign up now! Only three spots remain!
From the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club:
If you are interested in attending, please let Wojo know. This is a Friday. We would leave school after second period that day to drive down to College of San Mateo. We will have lunch before the workshops begin. This is a great opportunity to you for no out of pocket costs. This will count for first quarter professional development.High school journalism boot camp set for Oct. 1
Attention high school newspaper advisers: Save Friday, Oct. 1, for the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club's High School Journalism Boot Camp! It will again be at College of San Mateo (but in a new, bigger space) from 1-4:30 p.m. More information on speakers and presentations to come. Your entire staff is welcome!
Also, don't forget the CNPA workshop, October 16:
The California Newspaper Publishers Association is hosting a one-day workshop in Sacramento, October 16. This workshop, to be held at the office of the Sacramento Bee, will have sessions for beginning, intermediate and advanced student journalists. There are even workshops for online media and social media. Check out the link here, for more information. Your registration fee will be covered if you attend this event. Please let Wojo know if you are interested in attending.
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